Mercury retrograde summer 2014

Today Mercury entered his shadow, that part of the skies where he will re-trace his steps over the coming weeks. It’s a time to take extra care with the details of communications and paperwork – make sure your message is clear and easy to understand, that you read the small print and that you have a plan B if you are travelling anywhere.


Mercury will move forward into the sign of Cancer before heading backwards and returning to Gemini. This suggests that there will be issues to do with understanding and articulating emotions tied into this Mercury retrograde. The shadow also begins in a part of the skies that was sensitised back in 2011 with a lunar eclipse that was then re-charged during the Venus retrograde of 2012 – this Mercury retrograde is another re-charge of this sensitive area keeping it active until the conjunction between Mars and the Sun in June 2015 which marks the beginning of a new Mars cycle. In one way or another this Mercury Rx is going to highlight or re-visit issues that have been recurrent over these past few years.


This Rx phase also links to the profound changes that have been taking place over the past years as we have felt the influence of the cardinal square shaking things up around us. Mercury turns Rx just before getting embroiled in that cardinal square so the Rx phase brings us an opportunity to double check issues and ensure we have everything we need to make the most of the transit through those choppy waters. As part of that gathering process the Sun and Mercury make their inferior conjunction on 19th June at 28+˚ Gemini bringing an opportunity to understand in greater detail just what it is you are seeking to achieve at this time.

Really the key is to understand the long term aim that was kicked off by that eclipse back in June 2011. What long term dreams or visions did you have then and how are you moving  forwards in terms of achieving that? We have come to a turn in the road so it’s time to take stock, check where you are, where you have been and where you are headed and then move forwards with confidence.


A quick look at the various charts gives a little more information about the energies we can tune into during this Rx phase. First, the chart for Mercury’s entry into the shadow sees the kite configuration still evident, this time strengthened not only by the mutual reception between Saturn and Pluto but also between an exalted Moon and exalted Jupiter – it has a very inspirational energy and with Mercury strong and confident in his own sign of Gemini it is a good time to get a clearer sense of direction. Plus a mutual reception between Venus and a newly direct Mars it’s like we have a good chance to see things from another perspective and get our bearings.

Mercury enters shadow

Mercury enters shadow

The chart for the station retrograde has the Sun triggering the Sun Venus inferior conjunction (Venus transit) point of 2012 again echoing influences from that time, reminding us what it was we wanted to achieve, what we set in motion at that time. Jupiter has finally moved out of his own shadow area allowing a greater sense of expansion in terms of longer distance travel, professional or philosophical aims – whatever it was Jupiter needed to consolidate during his cardinal Rx phase is now finished with and he’s on his way out of the cardinal square influence having done his best to get the balance right between home, community and work expectations.

Mercury station Rx

Mercury station Rx

Moving on to the inferior conjunction the energy becomes a little more unfocused and dispersed as the planets are separating from their various aspects and clearing the way to form new and different ones. This will be a good time for internal reflection and weighing up how effective the past few days since the station Rx have been and how things could be improved.

Mercury Sun inferior conjunction

Mercury Sun inferior conjunction

As Mercury stations direct the kite formation is reformed, this time with the Sun opposite Pluto providing the axis. This time may be a little tense as people struggle to ensure that the direction they are moving in is the one that they envisaged. Try to work cooperatively at this time, but without compromising your own dreams and visions. Do not get drawn into arguments but maintain a sense of focus in order to make the most of the kite formation.

Mercury stations direct

Mercury stations direct

Finally, as Mercury leaves his shadow Jupiter is poised right on the edge of entering into Leo, the Sun is exactly square the Moons nodes highlighting what must come and what must leave in order to move forwards and Mars is activating the eclipse of 15th April this year. Mercury has gathered hus strength and is about to move through the cardinal square and also pick up his place in the kite formation and Venus is about to highlight the point of the Mercury Sun inferior conjunction just a few weeks earlier. Within the week Saturn will finally move forward – this is the future, the decisions have been made and the task is to move forwards with confidence.

Mercury leaves shadow

Mercury leaves shadow


Key dates and Sabian symbol themes are:

Mercury enters shadow 23rd May

“A gardener trimming large palm trees”

Mercury stations Rx 7th June

“A cat arguing with a mouse”

Mercury Sun inferior conjunction 19th June

“The first mockingbird of spring”

Mercury stations direct 1st July

Mercury leaves shadow 16th July

2 thoughts on “Mercury retrograde summer 2014

  1. Pingback: Estate 2014: Mercurio retrogrado 1° parte | Blue Moon

  2. Pingback: Estate 2014: Mercurio retrogrado 2° parte | Blue Moon

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